
All guitars seem naked to me until they are painstakingly jewel’d up. Then, they are a bandmate unto their own. the painstaking glue-ing process turns into a meditation…(i have not done it..although, i love getting lost in such things: when i drop rice or sunflower seeds on the floor i get giddy about the minutae’d process that will demand a presence out of me that more broad-stroke-puttering simply doesn’t). thich nhat hahn describes a story of being fully present while eating an orange. i read it in my teens. it has stayed with me ever since. and when i see this kind of delicate work on this guitar, i fantasize about the process….the focus. the breathing. the messing up and starting again. the not-going-anywhere-for-a-while aspect. the getting halfway there and realizing the line is not perfect. the stillness. the figuring it out. and then of course…the payoff…the blinding glittery light that reflects off the sweet face of someone 27 rows back. a wink, an acknowledgment, and quick flash of a hello. and then– twirling hair and it is gone.


Alanis Morissette