
If we don’t have a sense of psyche and a developed sense of self and a sense of ego to begin with, there’s nothing to transcend and it makes it really hard to function in day-to-day life and relationships. There are those who want to “transcend” as a way to disassociate from the feelings of grief and sadness and anxiety….when often this sadness and anxiety has so much to do with a under-developed “self.” So rather than attempting to “transcend” (as a way to avoid life)….I would encourage us to develop a “self” (through many self-defining acts…figuring out what we need, what we want, what we love, who “we” ARE, what our mission is, what we value etc) and THENtranscend it by acknowledging that underneath all these definitions lies pure love, pure awareness, pure consciousness itself…that connects us all. BOTH these ideas can live together at the same time: that we have a sense of “self”–small S—and that we have a sense of “Self”, of our godliness and innate consciousness and goodness—big S.

Alanis Morissette