I’ve been having deep-dive conversations about all that i care so deeply about, for such a long time, privately. I am thrilled to now share them with you on my podcast. I’ll be having conversations with authors and doctors and artists and activists about health and wellness, art, relationships, feminism, spirituality, psychology and education…and more. once a month. xoxo

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Below are the references discussed in this podcast:

Calling in the One – Katherine Woodward Thomas
Conscious Uncoupling – Katherine Woodward Thomas
Internal Family Systems Therapy – Richard Schwartz
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
Keeping the Love You Find – Ph.D. Harville Hendrix
Divorce Corp – Joseph Sorge
The Sociopath Next Door – Martha Stout

Katherine Woodward Thomas mentions in the podcast:

Harville & Helen
John Gottman
Sue Johnson
Katie Hendricks
Ken McLeod
Dr Frank Luskin

Alanis Morissette mentions in the podcast:

IFS Richard Schwartz
Eckhart Tolle
Margaret Paul
Margaret Mahler
Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Imago Relationship Theory
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms
Desmond Tutu
Byron Katie